
  • 5 Ridicules InVideo AI Jokes

    5 Ridicules Jokes By InVideo AI | Dear God!

    Ready for a chuckle? Here’s a quick-fire round of sports-themed humor. Why don’t basketball players go on vacation? They’d get called for traveling. Now how about golfers? Why do…

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  • 9 Stupid Chat GPT Jokes

    9 Stupid ChatGPT Jokes | You Probably Won’t Even Laugh

    Why don’t scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything! What did the ocean say to the shore? Nothing, it just waved. Why don’t skeletons fight each other? They…

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  • turtle joke

    The Turtle Fall On His Back, Guess What He Said?

    One day, a poor turtle fell on its back. Do you know what he said when he realized he was on its back? He said, : OKAY GREAT!

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